Both Todd McFarlane and Robert Zemeckis were separately interviewed recently on their upcoming projects and both released some interesting info...
McFarlane said that he's toying with producing another Spawn movie in the not too distant future, but this time he wants to tone it down a bit and "keep it down, keep it dark, keep it grungy,".
He stated that "It's not a 'comic book movie,' it's just a scary movie, a creepy movie. Everything's real except for one element, which happens to be the character we know as Spawn. So it's not going to be super villain vs superhero or any of that stuff, it's just going to be a 'tight' movie."
Sounds awesome! NOT! Yeah the previous movie sucked but to tone it down is to sign the new movie's death warrant before it even gets made... Just my opinion however. It may be really good... NOT!!!
However in other, more
interesting news, Zemeckis is thinking of reviving that "Bunny with the ultra hot cartoon wife"; Roger Rabbit. He told MTV recently "I'll tell you what is buzzing around in my head now that we have the ability—the digital tools, performance capture—I'm starting to think about Roger Rabbit,"
Robert Zemeckis' last 3 films have been primarily CGI and as the ground breaking, and frankly highly enjoyable, 1988 movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit did so well at the box office it's not surprising that he'd think of revisiting Roger & friends for a sequel.
One question: Would they still use Kathleen Turner for the voice of Jessica Rabbit? I mean no offence to the lady, she used to be dead hot (Romancing the Stone anyone?), but after playing Chandler's transsexual Dad in Friends can we ever find her, or her gravel fueled voice, sexy again?