It's that time again when hormonal male readers of FHM ('For Him Magazine' for the uninitiated) have voted in their droves for who they think should wear the virtual crown of the World's most beautiful woman of the year.
This year the winner is Cheryl Cole, arguably the hottest and most prolific member of UK pop group Girl's Aloud.
I'm a huge fan of Cheryl's (and the rest of Girl's Aloud for that matter, especially Sarah) and she'd definitely be on my top 3 of the World's most beautiful women but how did the rest of these girls get into the top 10?
Usually you'll find that it's girls who have been in the spotlight recently, who's pictures have been all over the magazines and papers almost ever day, who's faces, and bodies, have been in the collective consciousness and who's antics have been the subject of conversations over lunch or a beer down the pub numerous times and for long periods.
I, more than most I might add, understand why some of these girls are listed and why they've obviously obtained substantial votes in their favour, but I disagree wholeheartedly with this years selection. I'm not going to say who should be in there because most will just moan at me and say they're boring, or have been there before, but although I can agree with the top 3 in a way the rest are a mystery to me...
Either way the votes have been counted and this is who the nation, nay the World, have been dribbling over recently. Mrs Cole we bow to your new royal status as Queen of the FHM babes... Let's hope the other band members aren't the jealous types eh?!