What's wrong with sci-fi and fantasy shows today? Are we expecting more, or are they just not what they used to be? I personally think it's the fact that we have so much high end sci-fi that we just can't watch everything and the ratings monster chews up those that are bringing up the rear.
Here are a few shows that were classic sci fi, but were felled by the network ratings monster!!
ENTERPRISE: anyone that fails to admitt that this was classic TREK with an awesome cast needs to be shot...yes it had its flaws, but that's what made it great. AND YES, some of its appeal was down to Jolene Blalock and her amazing...er......talents.

FIREFLY: another great cast put together by WHEDON (of BUFFY and ANGEL fame) but amazing story lines and great effect. Cut short before it had a chance to really give some massive stories, but still managed as great Hollywood movie....bring on SERENITY 2!!!

TERMINATOR TSCC: I can't really say much about this show, still hurts too much that it's pretty much dead and buried. It had two beautiful actresses in it, great cast, intriguing stories and great effects. The series finale was leading to a great time jumping third season, but it was just not to be I guess. Oh well (tear!!!)

STARGATE ATLANTIS: you evil sods!!! how can you cancel STARGATE!!! It's just not human......this was awesome. Yeah, OK, it took a season to build up, but then you let it get great before you kick the legs out from under it. SHAME ON YOU!!!!

ALIAS: JJ Abrahms at his best.....a great twisted series, which they tried to wrap up in 1 episode.....not a good ending, or a fitting one for a great series.

and last but my no means least.......
JERICHO: I loved this show. I cheered when the second, although very short season was announced. Great cast, tear jerking moments, great effects, and a brilliant story which fits so well into modern history......I'll just keep my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed that the movie hits the cinema's or DVD soon.

Message to the networks.................. WISE UP!! Stop your fascination with reality shows and crap. Listen to the people that watch your shows, and realise that modern technology has something to do with the ratings....DVR recorders allow busy people to watch these great shows when they can't catch the air time or date.
More in the firing line.
HEROES: leave it the F**K alone. It's great, it always has been, OK it got a little bit lost but don't all great shows at one time in their lives. I'll get very very angry if it doesn't come back, and you won't like it if I'm angry...
LOST: Again, leave it. JJ Abrahms has a vision, and it must be left to play out. I will be angry if it gets cancelled without answering the question....WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!