Whilst perusing e-bay this evening, searching for a few outstanding Mighty Muggs for my colossal collection (72 separate MM's and counting) I came across a few custom versions that some artistic individuals have painted up themselves to resemble characters not included in the Hasbro roster or licenses.
Now as you'll know I'm an avid collector and fan of unique collectibles and artwork based on anything I love in the comics, T.V and movie categories. A couple of days back I posted about some awesome My Little Pony custom work so I thought I'd share the equally awesome work of B.A.L.D (Breaking Another Level Design).
I came across B.A.L.D's wicked Voltron Mighty Mugg on e-bay and followed a link back to their MySpace page which held numerous pics of all his/ their work.
I've included a load of images below (click to see larger versions) but feel free to visit B.A.L.D's MySpace page through this LINK and see what else this talented designer has created. Just follow the 'pics' option and go to 'custom Mighty Muggs' for the original images posted below.