Monday, January 17, 2011

Videos that amuse/ impress me

I love ShaddowLeggy's videos. The Resi Numa never fails to cheer me up =)

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive and you haven't seen the epic-ness that is Dead Fantasy then check it out now! The second is my fav due to how awesome Rinoa is. Yes I am planning on cosplaying her, massive wings and all =p
And well the girls dancing to Gee is just cute lol

I was in the audience watching this one. You see such crazy/ geeky things at cons ;)

Team Giblets do the best skits in the UK, I might do a feature post on them one day. This one will only make sense if you're a fan of Final Fantasy and Resident Evil. I love both and couldn't stop laughing when I saw this at Ayacon 09.