Monday, January 17, 2011

Tardis Bed

This is a Tardis bed. A. TARDIS. BED.
A guy made this for his son and then sold it on last year when they had no use for it... Although why you'd have NO USE for a Tardis bed, I'll never know!!
Apparently features include;
'- This job has over 500 hidden screws in it
- The paint has over 15 coats and then it is made to look old on the outside and high gloss on the inside
- The woodwork is fastidious
- I didnt recess the hinges so to leave a gap for the mattress to breathe
- The police light (12v) can stay on or off
- When left on at night it leaves the southern cross sign on the ceiling (it shines like a lighthouse bulb would)
- There is also a chain of LED lights on the roof ( 12v) they have six different pulse settings
it makes your whole ceiling look like the Tardis is taking off its mind blowing!
- Once you open the 1970s lock, you will find a handmade Doctor Who replica talking , yes I said talking telephone!
It says 3 or 4 different things,
- When the secret button is pushed the green light turns blue
then pulses and makes the Tardis sound
- It is loud enough to know when your child is not sleeping!
- The telephone runs on 3 AAA batteries and lasts for ages
- When the brass locks are undone the picture is then pulled down to reveal a full sized single bed
- The mattress sits well when folded up and cannot be seen'