OK it's pretty hard to truly stay positive, but as an avid collector of action figures and collectables myself I'm constantly on the look out for products that relate to the shows and movies I love to watch.
McFarlane brought out their own brand of LOST figures a couple of years back, but their static non-articulated nature didn't go down too well with fans and they can all now be found in most shops bargain bins next to the series 1 Heroes figures... Whilst working for my last job I'd been advised that new LOST figures were being released by Bif Bang Pow (a manufacturing partner to Entertainment Earth in the US) and I didn't really have that much of a problem with their Alex Ross Flash Gordon figures, although I personally thought that their Big Lebowski stuff was pretty awful (sorry BBP!), so I was intrigued to see what their new LOST line would look like.
Unfortunately I've only just seen their prototype figures and am pretty shocked that they've taken the 'Mego' look which only brings one thing to my mind when I look at them... Creepy little Thunderbird puppets.
Sufficed to say I won't be collecting these figures when they're released later this year after season 6 ends!