The Office, Life on Mars and even Red Dwarf are just a few of the U.K t.v. shows that have had American version made in the past (even if some didn't get past the pilot stage) and now it seems that Dr. Who's more adult spin off series "Torchwood" might get the star spangled banner treatment too.
This is from Scifiwire.com:
"Bad news with some good news: Fox—the TV network that killed Firefly and Dollhouse and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles—is developing a U.S. version of the hit Doctor Who spin off series Torchwood.
The good news is: Doctor Who revitalizer and Torchwood creator Russell T Davies is writing the script for the pilot. And Capt. Jack Harkness himself—John Barrowman—might star!
How bad can it be?
Here's how The Hollywood Reporter's Live Feed blog reported it:
Unlike U.S. adaptations that have gone awry, Torchwood fans can take comfort that the original producing team is on board. In addition to Davies, exec producers include Davies' producing partner Julie Gardner (former head of drama at BBC Wales for the shows first season) and Jane Tranter (another BBC vet, now exec VP programming and production at BBC Worldwide Prods. in the U.S.).
Also, some of the current cast—most likely John Barrowman, who plays the immortal Capt. Jack Harkness—might star if Fox orders Torchwood to pilot.
The story goes on to say that the U.S. version would be more globally focused, with stories that go beyond the more localized stories of the original, which centered on Cardiff, Wales, and the United Kingdom."
I can't say that I feel this is a good idea but it'll be interesting to see just what comes out of a U.S version, especially as people like Gwen, Ianto, Tosh etc won't be played by their English (or Welsh) actors... If indeed they do keep those characters at all. One thing's for sure, the Americans will never ever top 'Children of Earth' with anything they produce!