Well I did for one! The second she auditioned for the show I said to the missus that she was gorgeous and would have to be in that band no matter what... And look where she is now, leading Girls Aloud to one number one hit after another, married to a stinking rich footballer, friends with famous people from around the globe, the most popular judge and winner for the last two years on X-Factor, and now she's been voted the most photogenic woman in history...
Yes that's right, our very own Mrs. Cole beat the likes of runner up Audrey Hepburn and third place rival Angelina Jolie to take home the title. Nikon conducted the survey by asking 4000 women who they though the most photogenic woman in the world was and Cheryl won out. Although I agree that Cheryl is absolutely stunning in every sense of the word I'm a little shocked that woman like Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie fell by the wayside in this category, but then when you look at the photos that have been taken of her over the last few years you can't deny that every single one shows off her supernova level hottness and beauty and she's never once looked anything other than perfect.
Congratulations Cheryl, you deserve it. Now for Playboy!