The Emerald Knight always seems to find cool art sites and random images of geeky products such as gadgets and clothes. Below are a couple of the few he recently sent to me for the blog.

Over at back in 2007 they had a short preview of 3 cool Star Wars themed t-shirts made by "Junk Food". There have been a few SW themed garments since those (my favourite being the Boba Fett hoodie) but these 3 would go very nicely in my ever-growing geeky t-shirt collection! Check out the link HERE.

"Bam Pop" has an awesome Flickr page that showcases some of his quirky but totally amazing artwork and photography including some themed pics that really caught my eye. My favourite is the DC Justice League pic (of course) which is above along with the Mario. Visit his page HERE to see much more.

Theskullwall is a blog full of cool artwork from artist "Ledo" who has a very stylized talent. there are some great themed pics, some of which I've amalgamated into the image above, but if you want to see some of his other work visit his blog page HERE