Sunday, August 30, 2009

Don't Believe The Hype - Megan Fox Is Not Catwoman

OK, so this is old news by now but when the UK tabloid newspaper "The Sun" published a story last Wednesday that Megan Fox had been cast as Catwoman the whole media world jumped on the news.

Not only did I read it myself in the paper in question on my lunch break but the radio stations were confirming it and even The Crimson Blur called me to tell me. When I came home Wednesday evening just about every blog I visited was publishing the news quoting The Sun.

I for one didn't believe the news at all, it was too good to be true and unbelievable that we'd be lucky enough to seeing the someone as hot as Fox potentially dressing in PVC/ leathers for the next Batman movie. I also had more faith in in the creative heads of Warner Bros and Christopher Nolan as a director and knew that none of them would hire someone like her based purely on her looks and popularity... it certainly wouldn't be on her acting credentials.

The next day Warner Bros confirmed that this news was false and that there had been no contact with Megan regarding the next movie. No s**t!

It's a shame of course, I mean what hot blooded male would care if Megan couldn't handle this role? It would be MEGAN FOX playing a psychotic thief who dresses up in feline themed, tight fitting outfits...Michelle Pfeiffer would be a distant memory...

There are a few sites and blogs still quoting this news as fact, but for now the rumour has been debunked.

Read the original article HERE on the Sun website.