Sunday, August 30, 2009

Smallville News - Roulette And Speedy To Debut In Season 9

More Smallville Season 9 news for you from last week.

It seems DC characters are flooding into the new series. We've heard that Metallo will feature in the first two episodes, that the wonder Twins will pop up, Zod himself has arrived, the JSA (Justice Society of America) and now both Roulette and Speedy will feature.

For readers who don't know who these newly announced characters are here's the short background:

Roulette is a nasty little minx who captures superheroes and forces them to fight each other in a secret arena in front of an audience of high-paying lowlifes. She has no superpowers herself but is a genius when calculating odds and gambling winnings. She has a vital contingent of security at her events and usually has a metahuman bodyguard who has an ability to negate powers or at the very least take down the strongest who might try to escape. In season 9 she'll be played by Steph Song a Malaysian-born actress.

Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick. The Speedy this season looks be the female version of Green Arrow's apprentice, Mia Dearden, rather than his first partner, Roy Harper. As we know with most characters that turn in Smallville, the producers do what they want with them and bring in versions that aren't the first or the best known. It could well be that Green Arrow is finally heading for his own spin-off series and bringing in a sidekick to Smallville could be the first sign of this possibility.

More news as it's released.