Friday, July 31, 2009
Heroes - Volume 5 Trailer
Futurama Voice Actors Stay On!

Thank f**k for that (pardon the language)...
This news below comes directly from
Good news, everyone!
Remember that report that Fox had sent out a casting call to replace the voice actors in the newly resurrected Futurama episodes that will air soon on Cartoon Network?
Seems it was a bargaining ploy after all, at least if we are to believe a report today in the Toronto Star.
The newspaper reports that the entire voice cast has just signed a new contract with Fox after weeks of intense salary negotiations, the newspaper reported:
As late as last week, the network was threatening to replace the original voices of Matt Groening's cult-hit cartoon, to the point of actually announcing a casting call for voice actors to replace them.
The compromise agreement, with the studio paying more and the actors accepting less, comes after the announcement of a 26-episode pick-up here by Comedy Central.
At last week's Comic-Con, the actors and producers downplayed the reports of recasting, saying that they figured things would work out. Looks like they were right. There's been no official confirmation yet from any of the parties, but it looks like Fry, Leela and Bender will keep their voices for now.
Coooooool! I Want A Vortex Cannon!!!
As you'll see the vortex rings do their job impeccably... Watch out little pigs, your houses made of brick may have defeated the Big Bad Wold but they ain't diddly squat against this sucker!
Star Trek MMO - New Images

Did you know there's going to be a new MMO game coming out soon based in the Star Trek universe? No? Me neither... Another one that's slipped past my radar it seems.
I'm waiting with baited breath for the DC online game but I'm actually quite interested in this one now too. I'm a big Star Trek fan and have played almost every single game based on the franchise (remember Elite Force 1 & 2? DS9: The Fallen? Bridge Commander? Love those games...). have just posted up 54 new images from the game to wet your appetites which you can visit at this link HERE
You can also visit the official site HERE which has all the information you'll need on the upcoming game which has no set release date yet.
This Video Is Some Seriously Crazy Ass S**t!
District 9 - New Trailer
Stitch Wars...

Another cool little link I found at was this gallery HERE of various characters from the Star Wars universe that have been created using arts and crafts such as sewing and knitting. There are some really cute pieces here and my personal favourites are the Jabba, Chewie and Luke and Yoda (above). Crazy stuff but it just shows the time and effort some fans put in to their passion for all things Star Wars!
The Best SDCC Cosplay Galleries On The Net So Far?

I've been looking at various SDCC galleries over the last week or so (having not gone there myself this year, as you know) and haven't come across too many interesting ones until yesterday when I found a huge cosplay (fans dressing in costumes based on their favourite characters if you didn't know) gallery on
Then I found another whittled down version on that just presented the hottest babes of that larger selection which was very interesting indeed!
You have to take a look at both the links as there are some truly amazing sights to behold on them. Some of the costumes are truly wicked and some of the girls are jaw droppingly gorgeous (The Supergirls and Powergirl are the best of course).
Animated Planet Hulk Movie Trailer
Even though I've not seen this anywhere on the Internet until today I'm happy to bring to you the trailer for the upcoming Marvel Animated movie "Planet Hulk" based on the excellent comic series of the same name.
Due to be released in Feb 2010 this film seems to be pretty faithful to the comic series it's based on. I own the hardback graphic novel of the entire Planet Hulk saga and I love it to bits. Sure it's a blatant rip off of Russel Crowe's 2000 Gladiator movie but for anyone who has read it you'll know it's a hell of a lot more. It's also about betrayal, friendship, honour, love and loss and is a truly gripping story for Hulk fans. The story lead to the World War Hulk storyline that took the Marvel Universe by storm and then on to the Skarr - Son of Hulk comics and all of these are essential reading for any comic fan. You really feel emotionally charged and see the character of the Hulk in such a different way throughout the long arc.
It looks like another enjoyable Marvel animated movie after the recent Hulk vs Thor and Hulk vs Wolverine DVD's and some good filler-action until our long awaited live action Marvel films appear. Just beware that as it was for the comics, it doesn't seem to be aimed at the kids...
Mario, Mario, Mario...
The Emerald Knight sent me a link the other day to some awesome Super Mario inspired artwork by a crazy haired artist simply called "Misha".
Misha has melded the world of Super Mario with that of Star Wars to give us three amazing pieces of "nerd art" for us to enjoy.
Here is a video of the pictures being delivered to an art Gallery 1988 and then the pictures below it. Pretty cool stuff for me, being the devoted Mario fan that I am!

Thundercats Hooooooooo! put up some images of the upcoming Thundercats Lion-O statue that was on show on the Diamond Comics stand at SDCC last week.
Being the HUGE Thundercats fan that I am I just had to post these 3 pics... We haven't any good new TC products since the 80's (Warner Bros being the tight asses that they are with the licence) and the "In Your Pocket" that I helped design through Underground Toys still hasn't hit the shelves, so it's about time the merchandise started flowing.
Hopefully this will be offered out for pre-order soon and when it does I'll let you know. I know I'll be buying one for sure! It was a shock to see anything TC orientated!

Christopher Reeves/ Superman Cinemaquette

If you're not familiar with the "Cinemaquette" range you won't be aware that they're some of the most highly detailed and expensive collectible statuettes in the world, and sought after by some of the wealthiest and most hardcore of fans.
Toynami, the parent company that runs the Cinemaquette range, have released some amazing characters in the past including Aragorn, Terminator 2, Indiana Jones, The Godfather and Predator (my previous favourite) among others. These 16" - 25" products are unbelievably detailed and come with real clothing, human hair and various other details that make them one of the top movie collectibles that any geek can get hold of.

The last release was the awesome Bruce Lee version that has been ultra popular on the market but it's the new one that I'm posting about primarily here... Christopher Reeve/ Superman...
A few weeks ago the official website gave fans a mini teaser by putting up the Superman logo and then at last weeks San Diego Comic Con they unveiled it for all to see.
Below are a few of the pictures taken at the event by which show some of the intricate detail. I admit these pictures make it look like the evil Supes from the third movie (a bit greasy and gaunt looking) but otherwise it's a stunning collectible for fans.
The price hasn't been set yet but as is the official distributor it should be up pretty soon. You'll be looking at around £1,500 - £2,000, or maybe even more, so start saving your pennies if you're interested!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Empire Muggs Back...

An advertisement over at shows that an online charity auction will be held from July 31st to August 14th for the Make-a-wish-foundation. The auction will be for one of a kind Star Wars themed Mighty Muggs that have been designed and created by various artists, comic book creators, toy designers and celebrity fans. The event is called "The Empire Muggs Back".
A bunch of these unique creations can be seen in the image below but you can actually participate in the auction by visiting this LINK

News On Lost And Supernatural From SDCC

· The show will arch back to the first season with several characters we haven’t seen since then coming back into the mix.
· Whereas Season Four was heavy on flash forwards and Season Five on time travel, Season Six is “something different”.
· The Dharma Initiative, which played a heavy role this past season, will barely be seen in the final season
· Despite their apparent fates last season, Faraday and Juliette will continue to be involved.
· One episode will delve heavily into Richard Albert’s backstory.
· Various faux ads played during the panel indicate some events seem to have been altered by the ending of last season.
· With an all out Armageddon underway, the show will enjoy using twists on some famous Biblical stories. Don’t expect huge effects as due to the budget, much of the big scale action takes place offscreen.
· Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) will be portrayed as a nice guy, a sympathetic version using many elements from Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
· The four horsemen of the apocalypse will be introduced throughout different episodes of the season, though their ‘horses’ will be muscle cars.
· Whether the show gets a season six or not, the plan is to finish up the ‘apocalypse arc’ by the end of this upcoming fifth season, an ending that “will end with a bang…[and] be bittersweet”
· Unlike the very dark and almost morbid tone of last season, this year is the show’s “most hopeful” season and one of the most fun with the brothers seemingly back together throughout after some division last season.
· Castiel will serve as a recurring character, his angelic powers gone. Stuck on Earth as a human, Dean takes him to a whorehouse.
· The almost mentor-like character of Bobby (Jim Beaver) will undergo a “dramatic transformation” early in the season that shocked the actor when he read it.
· The fourth episode will involve a jump five years into the apocalypse-ridden future and will question whether fate can be changed.
· God, who has disappeared it would seem with the angels kicking off the Apocalypse on their own, will be involved toward’s the season’s end.
· Returnees include Ellen, Jessica, Meg (in a new body) and Rufus.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance II Video Game - Trailer

I can't say that I actually played the first game (apart from a few minutes on the demo at the MCM expo a year or so ago) and I don't remember being too impressed with it either, but the trailer for the sequel looks pretty good and it seems to be an enjoyable multiplayer game which is always a good thing. Take a look at the video with all the relevant info underneath.
The greatest Super Hero action/RPG of all time is back with the world’s largest army of heroes and villains in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, the highly anticipated sequel to 2006’s award-winning Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. Incorporating elements of the acclaimed Marvel Civil War storyline, players must choose their side and team up to battle or interact with returning favorites and all-new characters, including Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, Iron Man, Deadpool, Venom, Green Goblin, Iron Fist and Captain America, whose powers can be combined to unleash astonishing new attacks. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 engages players in co-operative multiplayer through graphically rich and destructive real-world environments, and allows players to strengthen their ultimate Super Hero dream teams by teaming up to unleash astonishing fusions of super-powers.
- Create and customize your ultimate team– Assemble your dream team from more than 20 of Marvel’s most revered heroes, including Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, Deadpool, and Captain America, along with fan-requested playable characters and villains, including Hulk, Venom, Green Goblin, Iron Fist and more.
- Choose a side and determine your fate in a storyline inspired by Marvel’s acclaimed Civil War storyline – Support the Pro-Registration side and defend national security, or choose to be Anti-Registration and fight for personal liberties, as you decide whether you are for or against the Superhuman Registration Act.
- Fight fear with fusion – Combine dynamic Super Hero powers (fusions) like never before. More than 250 unique fusions arm you with an unimaginable arsenal for unprecedented battles. Draw upon the best strengths of each Super Hero to deliver devastatingly powerful new moves, such as a fiery tornado between Human Torch and Storm, or a powerful beam splitter between Wolverine and Iron Man.
- Play co-operatively with your ultimate alliance – Take full advantage of the Marvel Universe by playing four-player Co-op Mode, both online and offline. Co-op specific team upgrades encourage online play and replayability to discover all of the different combinations. Improved online play also allows your characters to retain their experience gained through co-op play and carry that over into your own single-player campaign.
- Make the Super Hero experience your own – Deep RPG elements allow for more character customization and storyline immersion, such as upgrading abilities, powers and boosts for your team on the fly, plus storyline choices that will influence your characters’ stats.
- Wield next-gen superpower destruction – Building on a heavily modified and upgraded version of Vicarious Visions’ Alchemy engine that brought fans the original Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and the X-Men Legends series, players will demolish and interact with everything in their path. Pummel your enemies by launching crushed cars, lampposts, machinery and anything else you can pick up in your way.
Prince Of Persia - 2 New Images
The Death Of David Tennant's Dr.Who Revealed In "The End Of Time" *SPOILERS*

Well, well, well... As if we didn't figure it out already (I know I did long before the rumours started surfacing) the death of David Tennant's Dr. Who will be at the hands of none other than THE MASTER played by John Simm.
A video at the San Diego Comic Con gave fans the biggest geeky goose bumps of their life as they were treated to an ominous trailer (seen below) for the upcoming Chrsitmas finale "The End of Time" where not only do we get to see that Donna Noble and her family will be returning (woo hoo!), but also Ood Sigma and The Master are also back...
The Dr. Who panel confirmed that Tennant's term as the Doctor will come to an emotional end at the hands of Simm's Master ("HE RETURNS") and that Ood Sigma will play a significant part in the Doctor's "death" and regeneration into Matt Smith.
There seems to be a running theory on the web that the Doctor won't be able to regenerate properly by himself as he used a portion of his regeneration powers up creating the Meta-Crisis Doctor (the other David Tennant that was half Doctor, half Donna, and ended up with Billie Piper's Rose in the alternate dimension). If this is indeed true, and the rumours are also true that Ood Sigma actually knows in advance what's going to happen to the Doctor and is going to help him (is he "The Watcher" reincarnated, the character that helped Doctor number 4 to regenerate way back in Tom Baker's reign?), then we should see a unique transformation scene by the end of the episode... Oh and a though here: If Ood Sigma's eyes are red (as they are in the video) does that mean someone's controlling him? Interesting thought...

David revealed: "The final stories are very emotional. The story takes you to places that the Doctor can't go on a regular basis. That's, from an actor's point of view, hugely challenging and liberating and exciting. It's thrilling that we get to make people cry."
David also lifted the lid on the why the Doctor is so intent on saving the human race from disaster. He said: "He has to make the hard choices, and he's riddled with remorse for what happened to his people, and the part he played in that, which we'll learn a little bit more about before I disappear.
"He's tortured, and he travels time and space trying to make it better...but some of the side effects of that are not as we'd wish them."
He went on to say that the fact that the Doctor is "the last of his kind, or nearly the last of his kind," will "come back in a big way in the final stories."

Here's the dodgy copy of the SDCC trailer on Youtube. It's crappy, but it gave me the chills nonetheless!
Astroboy - Newest Trailer And Images

One movie the kids and I are looking forward to this year is 'Astroboy', the beautiful looking CGI animated movie starring the voice talents of Freddie Highmore and Kristen Bell.
Below is the newest trailer and a bunch of images (if you're too lazy to watch the video!) to get you all charged up for when October comes round!

Dollhouse - A Post By The Dark Knight...

I must admit that I watched DOLLHOUSE and was of a mixed opinion as to whether it was a classic in the making, or just another turd bobbing in the SCI-FI toilet.... The saving grace for the series was a mix of ELIZA DUSHKU, some fairly solid scripts, ELIZA DUSHKU, some great supporting actors, and ELIZA DUSHKU!!!!
Check out some of the great shots from FHM below, showing some of ELIZA'S great....... er............. talents.
Also, just to add to the totty count, the series features Amy ACKER and Dichen LACHMAN........ not that Mr WHEDON is relying on the SEX-FACTOR to sell the series or anything!
I'll be interested to see where the series goes when it returns on 25th September............... and if you haven't seen the series, there's a trailer for series 1 below the images.