Mario Wars Artwork By Misha...
The Emerald Knight sent me a link the other day to some awesome Super Mario inspired artwork by a crazy haired artist simply called "Misha".
Misha has melded the world of Super Mario with that of Star Wars to give us three amazing pieces of "nerd art" for us to enjoy.
Here is a video of the pictures being delivered to an art Gallery 1988 and then the pictures below it. Pretty cool stuff for me, being the devoted Mario fan that I am!

Mario As Japanese Art By Xiaobaosq
This fantastic piece of work called "Hunting Season" was brought to us by artist "Xiaobaosq" representing Mario and Bowser in a classical Japanese styled painting created for Uberbooks's Designers´ Games ReMiX book based on his favorite game from the 80s "Super Mario Bros" and inspired by Capcom game " Monster hunter". A great piece of art and I love it!

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Photographic Gallery By Greg De Stefano

Artist and photographer Greg De Stefano created a gallery of his work with various people dressed as characters from the Wii game Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Some of the photos are fantastic (like the hardcore Super Mario) and others are plain scary, but the gallery is worth and look just for the fact that he's included so many of the Brawl cast as accurately as he can! You can visit the gallery HERE which also includes some of his other photographic work.