· The show will arch back to the first season with several characters we haven’t seen since then coming back into the mix.
· Whereas Season Four was heavy on flash forwards and Season Five on time travel, Season Six is “something different”.
· The Dharma Initiative, which played a heavy role this past season, will barely be seen in the final season
· Despite their apparent fates last season, Faraday and Juliette will continue to be involved.
· One episode will delve heavily into Richard Albert’s backstory.
· Various faux ads played during the panel indicate some events seem to have been altered by the ending of last season.
· With an all out Armageddon underway, the show will enjoy using twists on some famous Biblical stories. Don’t expect huge effects as due to the budget, much of the big scale action takes place offscreen.
· Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) will be portrayed as a nice guy, a sympathetic version using many elements from Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
· The four horsemen of the apocalypse will be introduced throughout different episodes of the season, though their ‘horses’ will be muscle cars.
· Whether the show gets a season six or not, the plan is to finish up the ‘apocalypse arc’ by the end of this upcoming fifth season, an ending that “will end with a bang…[and] be bittersweet”
· Unlike the very dark and almost morbid tone of last season, this year is the show’s “most hopeful” season and one of the most fun with the brothers seemingly back together throughout after some division last season.
· Castiel will serve as a recurring character, his angelic powers gone. Stuck on Earth as a human, Dean takes him to a whorehouse.
· The almost mentor-like character of Bobby (Jim Beaver) will undergo a “dramatic transformation” early in the season that shocked the actor when he read it.
· The fourth episode will involve a jump five years into the apocalypse-ridden future and will question whether fate can be changed.
· God, who has disappeared it would seem with the angels kicking off the Apocalypse on their own, will be involved toward’s the season’s end.
· Returnees include Ellen, Jessica, Meg (in a new body) and Rufus.