IMDB Synopsis: An elite military unit comprised of special operatives known as G.I. Joe, operating out of The Pit, takes on an evil organization led by a notorious arms dealer.

Stephen Sommers (director of Mummy, Mummy Returns, Scorpion King and Van Helsing) will direct from a script by Stuart Beattie. The story is set at Brussels-based G.I.JOE, an acronym for the Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity, and revolves around an international co-ed force of operatives who use high-tech equipment to battle Cobra, an evil org headed by a Scottish arms dealer.
I'm of two minds as to how cool this movie could turn out. I never collected the toys or watched the TV series, although I've seen the animated movie, so it's difficult for me to judge but I'm trying to be really positive! The actors are a plus, half the costumes are a plus, but Dennis Quaid's costume worries me as does the director Stephen Sommers. Nothing against the guy, I loved the Mummy franchise, but his CG heavy outings can get a little out of control (Van Helsing for example) and get a little tongue in cheek at times. Hopefully this'll be a great movie and re-vamp some 80's love into another action figure line franchise. Below is the cast list from IMDB and a few of the images so far released. Ray Park looks great as Snake Eyes and Sienna Miller looks stunning as The Baroness. If only all the other outfits looked as good I'd be happy. Mr Quaid doesn't deserve the uniform he's been given, please re-dress the man before filming dammit!