The first details to about Transformers 2 are now seeping out of the Hollywood grapevine. Jonah Hill (most famous for the recent hit 'Superbad') is the first part of negotiations to play the part of Sam's room mate and conspiracy theory nut in the sequel due out next summer. His character is described as "(a guy who) runs a conspiracy theory website. Funny in an irreverent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his conspiracy theories come to life." Good news for the fans who thought the humour in Transformers the movie made the film a huge sucess, bad news for those of you that have had enough of Jonah at this point in time! (Isn't he everywhere right now?!)

The second bit of news, and a far more exciting tid-bit, is that we could well be seeing the constructicons making an appearance in this new movie. If you know anything about Transformers then you should know that it means DEVASTATOR could be coming! Devastator is a ginat sized robot formed by the constructicons coming together into one giant bot. Rumour also has it that this could lead to Grimlock and the Dinobots being included too, although I find that pretty hard to believe at this stage. We'll have to wait and see.
Below is an image of Devastator (created by Rise Studios) to give you an idea what he could look like should plans come to fruition.

"Autobots, transform and roll out"!