Thursday, August 4, 2011

Star Wars Deleted Scenes From SDCC 2011 For Upcoming Blu-Ray Box Set!

If you didn't already know (and if you didn't, where the hell have you been?) the entire Star Wars saga of six films from The Phantom Menace to Return of the Jedi  is coming to Blu-Ray in the UK on the 12th of September 2011, and I for one have had my order in since the information was released earlier this year!

Apart from the fact that the nine-disk set will finally be giving us the high-def Blu-Ray experience every Star Wars geek has wanted for so long there is the fact that the box set will be giving us 30 hours of extras including extended and deleted scenes...

Below is the San Diego Comic Con 2011 video showing us just a snippet of these deleted scenes to whet our appetites!
