Thursday, July 21, 2011

Afro Samurai Live Action Movie In Development!

Samuel L. Jackson is supposedly finally teaming up with 'Indomina Group' to make a live-action Afro Samurai movie based on the super-popular animated series and movies.

Said Jackson, “This has been one of my very favorite properties ever since our amazing debut at Comic Con with the original series pilot out of Japan. I can't wait to produce the epic feature film version with our new partners at The Indomina Group."

“When Indomina was launched, ‘Afro Samurai’ was quickly identified as the perfect property for us to option and exploit through our vertical channels targeted to a fanboy audience,” said Singh Mann. We never took our eyes off the property and are very pleased to not only have the opportunity now to make an extraordinary film, but to do it with Samuel L. Jackson, who is just as passionate about ‘Afro Samurai’ as we are. This is a perfect collaboration in the eyes of Indomina. We look forward to going to work with Sam and Gonzo on this and making something discernibly unique.”

Can't wait for this. The previous anime releases were simply amazing... I even got to go to the Afro Samurai: Resurrection talk at SDCC in 2008 and sit about 20 feet or so from the master 'Samuel L. Jason' himself! :P