Friday, June 24, 2011

Roscoe And Suryia - The Orangutan And Dog Who Are Best Friends Forever!

Possibly one of the coolest and nicest things I've seen on the web for a while, 'Roscoe And Suryia' - The Orangutan and Dog who are best friends forever are possibly the cutest best mates in the animal kingdom.

They've been together since infancy and the inseparable pair have recently released a book about their unique relationship which features dozens of awesome buddy-pics. Here are a few...

dog orangutan friends 2 e1308846425839 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 0 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 1 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 3 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 4 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 5 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 6 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 7 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)

dog orangutan friends 8 BFF: The dog and the orangutan (9 Photos)