Thankfully? I was very pleasantly surprised. The basic plot is straightforward enough, as it should be with a comic book based film. Thor, played extremely well by Chris Hemsworth, the God of Thunder, and rightful heir to the throne of Asgard, is stripped of his power and banished to Earth after his stubbornness and rash actions put Asgard on the brink of war with their ancient enemies the Frost Giants. Not to give TOO much away from that point, but he meets some humans, learns some lessons, and engages in a healthy share of fisticuffs throughout. And much like the Iron Man films, Thor is also poised as a prelude the Avengers movie coming out in 2012.
FYI - This isn't the FIRST time the Thunderer has appeared on film!
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)
The Incredible Hulk Returns (1988)
But it's easily the best. The special effects are incredible. Even the 3D was solid enough. Everything Asgard (of which about 70% of movie takes place) was done beautifully. Populate it with stellar fight scenes and praiseworthy characterizations of these mythical icons? Anthony Hopkins as Odin to Idris Elba as Heimdall were terrific, but the best all around was Tom Hiddleston as Thor's mischievous brother Loki. True to form, you could never quite tell what the Trickster God was thinking or had up his sleeve, but you could clearly gather, even in the scenes where he says nothing at all, the strength and complexity of his motivations.
the rating system:
the verdict:
Loved it. Watch for Jane's assistant Darcy, played by Kat Dennings, as the scene stealer among the humans (she's flawless and can do no wrong in my eyes), but every Asgardian impresses in every single way. Also cool are the Frost Giants and the shiny mechanical monster - the Destroyer. One of the most enjoyable and satisfying adaptations of all the Marvel franchises to date. I'd even go so far as to say the best Marvel film, period, 2nd only to Spiderman 2.
... Yeah, I said it.