Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who cares about Aggie? ... I do!

Christina Aguilera aka 'Britney Spears's Shadow' has been making the headlines a LOT lately in case you hadn't noticed! Seriously! She must have gotten a new PR team or something, because she seems to be working OVERTIME at being a topic of discussion. The last time she was even MODERATELY this interesting was back in her 'Dirrty' phase when she was going by the name X-tina, and that was what? 2002?

Her latest escapade is that she's being sued (or at least Sony Music is) over her hit song "Ain't No Other Man", which was sampled from Dave Cortez and the Moon People's song "Hippy Skippy Moon Strut" (stupid ass title, I know). Apparently Sony went through the wrong people to get clearance for the song, copyrights, ownership, blah, blah, blah. Punitive damage will likely be paid. Whatever. The only thing that's interesting about it is Aguilera's involvement.

And I say 'kudos' to her' for it! Through her recent life B.S., she's even somehow gotten better looking. The outa nowhere and now messy divorce from that (let's face it) toad Jordan Bratman, the crappy movie Burlesque that nobody watched, dating the 14 year old Production Assistant, botching the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, falling down during her performance at the Grammys, getting arrested for Public Intoxication last week, and now this? I dare say X-tina (yes, she's that again) is on the verge of making people actually give a damn about her, and for the 1st time in her life, more 'Must See' than Britney. Hell, she's only one Vehicular Manslaughter or Felony Arson charge away from convincing me to buy her next album!

Keep up the great work, Aggie!