Wednesday, March 9, 2011

B.I.G. Forever!

March 9th, 1997, Notorious B.I.G. was killed in a drive-by shooting in the culmination of that whole East Coast/West Coast Rap beef that was prevalent in mid-late 90's. Despite the insanity, it was an AMAZING era for hip-hop music. Possibly the best its EVER been, and Biggie, at the forefront, will live on forever as one of the Greatest of All time.

Today, in honor of the "Livest one from Bedford-Stuyvesant", I'm throwing up a bunch of my fave Biggie music videos for you to enjoy. A one-stop shop (you people love those) so you don't have to prowl Youtube for them yourself.


And here's one that I just found of Biggie freestyling at age 17. Incredible! I wonder if those guys standing there with him back then had any CLUE who they were in the presence of or who he would become!