Zack Snyder recently confirmed that Academy-award nominated sultry red headed bombshell (OK, I have a huuuuuuuge crush on this lady) 'Amy Adams' has nabbed the coveted role of the Superman: Man of Steel revamp movie...
I can safely say that Kate Bosworth was completely naff as Lois in Superman Returns and was one of the main reasons I didn't love that movie as much as any Superman fanatic should have. I know a lot of people who don't like Adams and I can admit to only having seen her in 'Catch me if you can' and then 'Enchanted' and 'Night at the Museum 2' with my kids, but hot damn do I have a thing for redheads and Amy is the quintessential red head in Hollywood at the moment. Playing Lois will get her some much needed geek-cred with the new generation and I personally can't wait to see her on screen again.
How happy am I? This happy -