Monday, February 7, 2011

Green & Yellow: The Super Commercial Recap

In case you were in coma Sunday night, just woke up, and EWLYD is your 1st stop for world info-tainment (god bless you, if this is the case), The Green Bay Packers defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers 31-25 to win Super Bowl XLV(that's 45 for the dumb dumb club)

I'm proud to admit that I was cheering for them all the way through!!! ... Not that they are my TEAM or anything, but my biggest pleasure from all this was the silencing of the Steelers fans with that god awful bullshit excuse for a song "Black & Yellow", from that joke of an artist Wiz Khalifah.

It was actually a terrific game. The Black Eyed Peas did their thing at a pretty good half time show. Guest appearances by Usher and Slash were really cool ... especially Slash, who played GNR classic "Sweet Child of Mine", although Fergie doing the vocals was horrific.

And of course, as anticipated as the big game itself, we had the Super Bowl commercials. Some were ... creepy ... I'm looking at YOU Doritos, with the guy sucking one dude's fingers and smelling the other guy's pants, while others were just unoriginal rehashes of past commercials, like Snickers whacking  Roseanne Barr in the head this year, as opposed to Betty White last year. *yawn* I'll watch Captain America, Transformers 3, Cowboys & Aliens, and Fast & Furious 5, and honorable mention goes to the Kia car that gets snatched up by Poseidon before being abducted by aliens ... but HERE were the top 3 commercials of the night:

#3 - Pepsi Max Zero - "Love Hurts"

#2 - NFL Promo - Best Fans Ever Montage of Classic Television Shows

and the #1 commercial of the night (easily) - Volkswagen: Use the Force

Hope you enjoyed the game!