Greetings from the Dark Knight........back from an extended crime fighting absence with some XMEN: first class news and photos.

As with many people I have been underwhelmed by the information and set pictures that have been released surrounding this movie......however these OFFICIAL images seem to be more in keeping with the Xmen that I remember from the comics.

It appears that there are aspects of the older UNCANNY X MEN series, as well as a mix of the NEW X MEN series........where Angel is not Warren Worthington III, but Angel Salvador....and trust me, Zoe Kravitz is pretty cute so I don't mind the melding of the two series.
On the other hand, Charles Xavier with hair...........I think that's going to take more getting used to. I can handle him walking, as over the years in the comics he's regained the use of his legs several times, but HAIR!!!! Not so sure............but James McAvoy is a great actor and I'm sure that he can pull it off.

Enjoy the images.....especially Magneto in the traditional and classic blue and yellow Xmen suit with helmet!!!
So far, so good.........lets see what that trailer brings...........I'm guessing this may be dwarfed but Avenger fever but the XMEN are clearly the biggest brand out of the whole Marvel universe so I'm sure they can handle a hulking blond hippie and a guy running around with a shield and blue leather trousers.