It's taken me a while to digest SCOTT PILGRIM Vs THE WORLD, but I thought now was the time to post a review/thoughts on the movie.
If you've seen the movie already then you'll know what I mean when I saw it's a brilliant but confusing and psychedelic movie. It has flashes of brilliance and epic moments, but also has some WTF moments as well.

I loved the idea of the movie from seeing the trailer. I had heard of the graphic novel but never really read it, but from the first trailer I was hooked. Micheal Cera seemed like the ideal choice for the slacker/hero that is Scott Pilgrim, and Mary Elizabeth-winstead is truely hot and cool as Ramona Flowers should be.
Well.....yes and no. The first half hour was awesome and was funny and the last 45 minutes were really good.....it was just the middle 20-30 minutes that was a bit lack luster and washed out. The pace just dropped out of the movie and it let down the flow of the movie, but don't let this put you off.

The pop culture references were spot on, most of the evil ex boyfriends were funny and well cast (brandon routh is probably my fav) and the fight scenes were well shot and looked awesome. Micheal Cera had moments of brilliance as SCOTT although he sometimes comes across as too much of a geek.........Scott is also supposed to be cool which Cera isn't always capable of.

Scott's sister is very underused but it a superbitch and very funny when she is on screen. Actress Anna Kendrick is beautiful and almost outshines Mary Elizabeth-winstead....but not quite.

Although this hasn't set the box office on fire, I hope that the low budget (not that it shows) and the DVD sales will push it towards a sequel. It's a great cast, good story.....just look at the positives and forgive the little "issues".

Go see this movie!!!! It's awesome.....for the most part..........hey, no ones perfect!!!