Been a long time since my last post but been too busy in the toy world. One toy in particular is Halo Reach which has been a very successful toy but I'm going to be talking about my experience with the game which I just completed 2 hours ago. Where to start, well once I turned the game on and the music started it felt like it was going to be an Epic Game and I had goosebumps. The Graphics, detail and layout is completly awesome it doesn't have that colourful look that halo 3 has, it is alot darker and has a feel of despair. This Game has a Fantastic storyline and I got really into it and I didn't want to stop playing I just wanted to know what happens next, it gives you a feel that when you have finished a mission and thats a good job something worse happens and thats when you know what this game is all about. I felt personally that the controls were a bit different but you get used to that within a couple of minutes, the Spartans weapons are good but felt like these should be different as the game is a prequel to Halo 3 so surely these should be older, then again I haven't checked the time frame between Reach and Halo 3. I have not played Reach online yet but will do soon, I have already heard that it is very good so I will give it ago soon. I would love to say more but I don't want to give away the story line and I really hope this is not the end from Bungie, if so I reckon they should re release Halo 1 and 2 until the time they will do another and bring back Mastercheif. Enjoy the game and if you dont thier is something wrong with you and if you haven't bought this game then what you waiting for go and buy it! This is Massive 10 from me.