News on the web states that the upcoming Dr.Who Christmas special will feature both a honeymoon (obviously Amy and Rory's) and none other than Dumbledore himself - Michael Gambon.
Now the rumours are saying that as it's a Christmas special and the Doctor is sure to give the happy couple a unique and amazing honeymoon trip in the Tardis one can only come to the rapid (and maybe way off) conclusion that Gambon may well be playing Santa Claus and the honeymoon may be at the North Pole (no doubt where some nefarious alien is trying to thwart Christmas etc). It's just a rumour of course and Gambon could just be some random old guy who's part of the story, but I like the other idea!
I also like the news that classical diva (and unbelievably stunning blonde) Katherine Jenkins will also be a guest star and will be singing Christmas carols during the show.
Can't wait!