DC recently announced that Wonder Woman was going to have a new origin story and costume makeover which would bring her up to date with her new urban storyline. Oh what a crap decision! Now the pics have been released and the comic world has gone pretty nuts.
Frankly they've ruined her look in my book and in the second picture below that a fan has photoshopped and quite rightly labelled "fixed" you can see how much better she looks in her classic garb with the new touches, rather than the whole look being changed with leggings, jacket and flat pumps... It's not her anymore. It's pretty much Blue Superman all over again.
As I'm going to be the owner of a brand new comicshop in the next few months I'm going to get a hell of a lot more into comics than I am now and I'm sure I'll be reading her new run, but I'm going to miss the old Diana either way!