Monday, July 26, 2010


I LOVED 30 Days of was the first graphic novel that I had picked up for nearly 10 year and loved every page of it.

I was even happier when the movie smashed it's way into cinemas, and got goose bumps when I heard that DARK DAYS was being made...............although that turned into a bit of disappointment when I found out that it'd go straight to DVD.

I've waited with baited breath to see whether this will be a little gem of a movie like the first one, or whether it'll have that trashy "straight to DVD" vibe to that the first trailer has hit the web, I must say that I'm pleasantly surprised and looking forward to its release.

Here's the trailer and make up your own minds. I'm just happy that vampires are back in blood shedding, gore splattering, violent action that these immortal creatures of the night are known and loved for.