Now the explanation has been given by its creator - Kevin Tancharoen (director of Fame).
The short film was shot in early April and it was shot over two days on two RED cameras for $7,500 with most of the crew donating their time. Post production took two months, and no one at the studio knew anything about the spec short film, even though screenwriter Oren Uziel wrote the script. Tancharoen made the film as a pitch for the job. The fight choreography was done by Larnell Stovall.
Here is a excerpt of Tancharoen’s comments:
I had been thinking about this for awhile now. Just in passing, I’ve always had these conversations about “Mortal Kombat” because everyone was talking about rebooting the movie. I guess that’s the popular term everyone uses now. Reboot, reboot, let’s just take everything and reboot it. Of course I had my opinions on it, because of the first two movies, and because I was such an avid fan of the game. I was a quarter dispenser, and I don’t know how much I spent over at the Sherman Oaks golf course, whatever that place is called now. Right by the Galleria. And I had a lot of opinions on it. I really, really thought that something special could be made there. And it got to a point where we just kept talking about it, and I just had to do it. It took over a two-month span of time. I shot this whole thing in two days on two Red cameras that were donated to me with a group of friends who all believed in the cause. We shot it at Lacey Street Studios on Saturday and Sunday afternoon and we just kind of had fun with it. It all started at the beginning of April and it took two months to do all the post and the editing. I edited it myself and the visual effects were great people donating their time. It turned out to be pretty awesome. I was very, very happy about it. It’s one of those passion projects that lived in my head. The technology is so accessible now. There’s was no reason why I shouldn’t do it, so I did it. I’m very, very happy that people are responding well to it. I know that there’s definitely a handful of purists that have their opinions on the mysticism and the mythos of Mortal Kombat. But I do have an answer for that: this is just a prelude to what my movie version would be. And of course, when you’re working by yourself, you have a limited resource of budget. I made this thing for $7,500. I couldn’t go balls-to-the-wall on visual effects. I had to utilize what I could and make the best of it. I want the mysticism to be treated carefully and with integrity. We just kind of went for it, and did it. And everyone was available, they believed in the project. We picked up the camera, and we went, and we didn’t stop.