Last week there were a few additions to the Green Lantern movie cast. Here's the info below.
Brazilian actress and model Marcela Duarte joined the cast as an unknown character filming scenes in human civilian attire with Ryan Reynolds on set.

Although he's not up on IMDB the young actor Gattlin Griffith (Changeling) has supposedly been cast as a young Hal Jordan alongside Jenna Craig as the young Carol Ferris.

A rumored casting tidbit is that actor Eric Johnson (aka the most recent Flash Gordon from t.v.) may be playing Guy Gardner, one of the initial candidates and finally future wearer of a Green Lantern ring. This hasn't been confirmed yet.

Actor Jay O. Sanders (Daylight, The Day After Tomorrow) has been cast as Carol Ferris' father Carl Ferris and owner of Ferris Air where Hal Jordan originally works before donning the ring. Jay has been seen on set during the first day of filming shooting a scene in Broome's Bar with Ryan.

And finally, but by no means least, the legend that is Angela Bassett (the woman who really should have played Storm in the X-Men movies) has been cast as none other than Dr. Amanda Waller, a character that has grown in the comics and the animated features over the last few years after her heavy usage in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon made her more popular. Although Waller is usually portrayed as a short portly/sturdy woman I'm sure Angela will bring something new and important to the role which will possibly set her up for future DC superhero movies should the need arise (just like Samuel L Jackson's Nicky Fury cameos in the Marvel movies).

More news as it comes in!