Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chris Evans Is Captain America!

Yes it's true Chris Evans (The Human Torch in the two Fantastic Four movies) was offered and has now accepted the role of none other than Captain America in the 'First Avenger' movie.

Aside from the Thor casting this has been the hottest topic of debate for the last few months in the comic book movie world and there has been so much on/off casting news that I've waited until the last minute to post anything just to see what happened.

Chris was actually one of my top 8 choices back in December 2008 (wow has it been that long?) which you can read HERE but ultimately I ruled him out due to his age and already being a Marvel movie actor in the Fantastic Four films. But due to the fact that the studios were looking for a younger actor (obviously as it's a 'birth-of-a-character' movie) and someone who fitted the role (tall, blond, blue eyed, physically fit and not an A-lister) he suited it perfectly. I'm only worried that Chris can't bring the necessary focus and hard-assed seriousness needed for the role (as his past efforts have always featured a lot of humour) but I'm sure Marvel know what they're doing here. Chris is also signed on for 3 movies as part of this deal so we're talking The First Avenger, The Avengers and then either a Captain America sequel or Avengers sequel. We'll see what happens.

Congrats Chris, hope you do us all proud. Can't wait to see you holding that shield dude!