Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Seen CAPRICA yet? If not why not try something new, as it's not too bad actually. I was pleasantly surprised.........although it ain't no BATTLESTAR........but still worth watching and heading in a decent direction.
SYFY are also planning another spin-off series from BATTLESTAR which may end up more towards the space opera type series........the Cylon wars maybe? NOW THAT I'D LOVE TO SEE!!!
Need more convincing to watch CAPRICA? Check out the sexy first Cylon ever made!!! Alessandra Toressani is one hot robot!!!!
5 episodes in and I'm kinda hooked to see where the series is going, and how the little hottie above is going to spawn the BSG cylons that we've seen burn the twelve colonies to ashes and chase the Galactica across the stars.