From reports so far, WINSTEAD will play a PHD candidate bought in after the ship is hot as she is, I can't see WINSTEAD having a PHD..unless it's in hair and makeup!!
Not that I'm prejudging her or anything...but most people with PH D's don't tend to do photo's with their lady lumps on display.....although if there are any HOT females with PH D's out there then I'll stand corrected about the semi naked photo's when the proof gets emailed in....LOL.
And here are the photo's of WINSTEAD...who played a memorable turn as John McClane's daughter in DIE HARD 2.0.
I love the original and have high hopes for the long as there is a shower scene....kinda worked with the crap movie WHITEOUT.....kate BECKINSALE bending over in her pants in the first 10 minutes........golden!!!!!