Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Left 4 Dead Fan Film?

One thing the world is lacking at the moment is news of an upcoming Left 4 Dead movie.

Personally I play Left 4 Dead 2 almost every night, when I have the time, and I must say that I like it much more that CODMW2 (shock horror!). There's nothing quite like the camaraderie felt when playing with 3 others, fighting the zombie hordes through numerous scenarios time after time. I've also made a few friends via the first and second outing and I can't think of another game that I get more enjoyment from than this excellent franchise.

So the question is: why the hell haven't the Hollywood toffs picked up the rights to a movie? Well even if we currently don't know the answer (it's probably because Uwe Boll wants to make it and they've said no straight away), those inventive Italian nerds have decide to make a movie themselves, and below is the teaser trailer...
