DC and Marvel are the two biggest comic companies in the world today. Even though I love Image comics more at times it's undeniable that characters such as Superman & Batman and Spider-Man & The Hulk are ingrained into the human consciousness and their subsequent movies have ruled the box office for decades, even more so over the last couple of years.
There has been a renaissance period recently where all the comic book movies of old have been blown out of the water by a new breed of Superhero film.
For DC the new wave began with the amazing Batman Begins and the even more amazing Dark Knight. For Marvel it was Iron-Man (and in the future it will be Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers).
Why were they so popular and why did they re-write the book on comic book movie adaptations? Reality... Just the thought that these heroes could actually exist in the real world we live in was enough to make us scramble for more. OK so there were also exemplary performances by all the actors involved and by the directors who made the films, but the 'reality' part of these new movies has paved the way for new films to be made in the same way and draw even bigger audiences, populated by even the non-comic-fans, destroying the way old movies were made in the past.
Because of this fact the big-wigs at Warner Bros have finally realised that Chris Nolan is now a master in this regard (primarily due to the fact that he doesn't read comics which gave him a new perspective on the whole thing) and they've granted him the honorary status of "Godfather" to any new DC live action movie that heads our way, and that means the Superman reboot. Nolan won't necessarily direct or produce the new Superman film but he will have massive creative input on the whole thing and will guide the new breed of DC movie down the right path so it coincides with his Batman franchise and hopefully ends up in a darker and more believable Justice League movie in the future (here's hoping!).
For Marvel it seems all the they're already heading down the right path with all the different directors having meetings and creative input on all their movies to ensure they all interconnect and flow between each other until the big payoff with Avengers in 2012... And beyond even that.
It's good news for all us fans that's for sure!