Oh dear...
I might be an Uber-Geek, I may own a large collection of Star Wars memorabilia and have the lightsaber app on my I-Phone, I may even own a life size animated Princess Leia statue that sits lovingly in the corner of my room... but this is one geek-step too far, even for me.
Recently British Star Wars fans Tom Merchant-Locke, Daniel Morgan and Liam Penn used Facebook to mobilise a flashmob of would-be Jedi and Sith to stage a massive lighsaber battle at the Cabot Circus shopping centre in Bristol.
More than 100 fans turned out for the battle royale which left onlookers and shoppers alike totally perplexed as to what the hell was going on. Still it was actually the largest public lightsaber battle ever held so it's a shame Guiness weren't called, it might have had some meaning then!
I hang my head in shame to be British. ;P