So it's safe to say that just about every comic book fan on the planet is now looking forward to Martin Campbell's upcoming DC live action movie "Green Lantern" and it's also safe to say that everyone's pretty happy that Ryan Reynolds was chosen to play Hal Jordan.
If you're a die-hard fan of the Green Lantern comics you'll also be happy to know that supporting character Kilowog is a 100% confirmed shoe-in and that Sinestro will indeed appear. What you'll probably be more shocked about is that Sinestro will probably not be the main villain in the movie.
Peter Sarsgaard is in talks to play villain Dr. Hector Hammond, a character who is infused with psychic powers when he encounters a meteor (and grows a big head!). Hammond will be the main villain in the first film which looks to be following Geoff Johns Green Lantern: Secret Origin comic, leaving room for both Sinestro and Carol Ferris (Blake Lively) to play the villains in the possible sequels (as they are in the comic continuity). The rumour came from director Campbell himself who said during at interview that expectations towards Sinestro may be a little pre-emptive for the first movie...

A lot of rumours have been floating around the web over the last month or so that Jackie Earl Haley (Watchmen and Friday The 13th remake) was the top choice for the part of Sinestro but now it seems Sherlock Holmes and RocknRolla actor Mark Strong may well be taking the role instead. So far there are no solid confirmations on the casting but the rumours keep on coming!

More news as it's released!
UPDATE: Mark Strong did indeed get the part of Sinestro!