Monday, December 21, 2009

SYFY LIVE UP TO THEIR NAME - early renewal for SGU and Sanctuary

WELL ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SGU IS GOOD AND THE FIGURES PROVE IT.

I've sat through the first 10 episodes and loved every minute of it. It ain't SG1, and it clearly isn't Atlantis, it's a whole new beast instead. And it's been announced that this beast is gonna charge straight through into season 2.

Figures are good, the cast are developing into some watchable characters (especially Julia BENSON who had the biggest rack in SG history!!!! - Lt James in case you didn't know) and the cliffhanger at the end of the first half of the season was great.

It ain't SG1, which was famous for the subtle jokes and pokes at THE WIZARD OF OZ and other fantasy shows. It's also bucked the tried and tested formula that ATLANTIS just slipped into (which is where the untimely cancellation came from) SGU is a new take on the old idea of STARGATE.

It's raw, gritty, and much more adult in nature..........but why is that a bad thing. If we wanna see SCI FI on TV it's gonna need to roll with the punches and adapt the way normal TV shows do. I'd rather watch shite SCI FI than BIG BROTHER/X FACTOR and whatever reality crap they cook up next.

And SY FY have made the decision to bring back SANCTUARY for a third season........this one was a bit surprising as the current season has been a bit hit and miss for me, but I love Amanda Tapping and the show concept so it's nice that they've shown some faith in the show....just wish more networks were like that.............ABC and FOX you know I'm talking about you!!!

Support the cause and show your support. Watch one of the best new shows on TV.

And here's the official trailer showing some of the highlights of the show.

And again, for all you haters.....HA HA!!!! Screw Atlantis, SGU is here to stay!!!!