Jesse Corti, Danielle Harris , Bill Moseley, Joe Pilato, Alona Tal and Cornell Womack are warming up their voices for Night of the Living Dead : Origins, the 3D CGI re-imagining of the George A. Romero zombie classic directed by newcomer Zebediah de Soto.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the story again follows a group of humans trying to stay alive during a zombie attack. Corti (Heroes) is voicing a news reporter, and Harris (Halloween II ) plays a woman who held her family together forced to come to grips with its absence. Moseley (Carnivale) is reprising the role he portrayed in a 1990 live-action remake Living Dead: a Wall Street-type with an expense account attitude. Pilato, who appeared in 1978's Dawn of the Dead is voicing Harry Cooper, a blue-collar worker who lives for his injured daughter, and Tal (Supernatural ) voices his wife, Helen, who blames her husband for all the ills of the world. Womack is a no-nonsense New York cop.
De Soto said some of the casting is "a nod to Romero fans. Horror is a genre and zombie movies are a subgenre that people have been following for years and years." "I wanted to make this look like a living Monet; it's expressionism," De Soto said. "It's going to be the first zombie movie played on a epic scale. This is the 'Empire of the Sun' of zombie films. ... I lived through the L.A. riots and saw the city on fire; I remember seeing people running, people getting pulled out of cars. And with 9/11, these images have been ingrained on people of my generation. I just thought that is the way it would really be, a lot of chaos."
The movie is being animated with the voicework in the early stages. No release date has been set
Here's a pic of the sexy Danielle Harris....just to keep you going till this is released.