Hello Readers,
So, I know I have taken a rather extended hiatus from reviewing and I want to apologize for that. I have been extremely busy at work work, and since this blog isn't nearly big enough for me to make any money from it, I can not quit my only paying job.
So, Christmas has come and gone, and damn, was it busy. I got lots of cash money which I plan on spending on TV dvds in order review for you lot. On my list to purchase is the complete series of Battlestar Galatica. (With that said, I want to confess something. When I first started this blog the first post was dedicated to the ending of BSG. But, I was a newly convert of the show. I started watching it on the last season's mid season finale. This is that episode that is that the cliff hanger, mid season, that forces viewers to come back for the rest of the season so that they can see how it all ends. Basically, this means that I have five or six seasons before the one that I watched to view and see how the whole thing started. ) I also want to buy Dirty Sexy Money Season Two (and sadly last season). I am currently downloading Skins Series 1 and 2, and plan to purchase Series 3 when I get some more itunes gift cards.
Kings and Defying Gravity will also be purchased this January. I will also keep my eyes open for Mad Men, Season Two.
Leave a comment and let me know what shows you want to buy with your Christmas money.