As you've probably noticed there has been a severe lack of posts lately... Unfortunately even though I've given Dark Knight the ability to post his own stuff, I myself have been laid out with the dreaded Swine Flu for the last 8 or 9 days. When I did the last post about the Stargate Atlantis/ Universe debate I was suffering a little, but then it kicked in with a vengeance. First the PC dies, then I get Swine Flu... not my time at the mo huh?! Me the missus and my youngest daughter all got it and dealt with it for 6 days before we went to the doc, who then said it was too late to administer Tamiflu or give antibiotics etc. What? Yeah, so we've dealt with it all by ourselves with Boots own cold and flu tablets and a lot of water and rest.
Anyway, I'm getting over it now finally, I just have the mother of all coughs to contend with, so I'll be posting the huge wad of stuff I've been building up recently in the next couple of days.
One thing I'd like to point out is that I created a new forum for the blog today. No reason to do it really but I thought that frequent visitors or members could jump on there and talk about just about anything and not be limited to the chatbox or comment box parts of this blog. It seems a lot of visitors have some interesting things to say and I've love to see some interactivity.
Please feel free to visit the forum and start some new threads. It's completely open for you to talk about whatever you want but excessive swearing, advertisements or the promotion of illegal content etc will not be tolerated.
Hope you use it, and enjoy it. You can visit the forum by clicking the link on the top right of the main page or by clicking HERE.
Posts coming asap!