For us poor BRIT'S it's been an agonising few days waiting for LEFT 4 DEAD 2 whilst it appears some of our friends over the pond have already been zombie slaying since the 17TH, but the 20TH is almost upon us and I'm waiting with baited breath for my copy of L4D2 to hit my doormat........this is one game I'm not missing out on so made sure I put a pre-order in!!!!
It appears we're going to have massive missions (5 rounds rather than 4) and there will be 5 chapters and not 4. More guns, melee weapons, and lots of new "special infected" to smash. I have also just read that there will be "boomer bile grenades" and defibrillators to bring fellow players "back from the dead"; whether this will be in the same way as first aid kits and reviving your team as before is not clear.
It's also confirmed that there will be avatar awards for the 360 version.........about time too!!! Below are some of those that may be earned from the game, but have not been confirmed by VALVE.
Med Kit - "earned by beating all five campaigns"
Bull Shifters Shirt - "earned by winning 10 games of Versus"
Left 4 Dead 2 Shirt - "earned by winning 10 games of Scavenge"
Zombie Hand shirt - "earned by killing 10,000 Infected"
Depeche Mode Shirt - "earned by rescuing Gnome Chompski from the Dark Carnival"
Bull Shifters Shirt - "earned by winning 10 games of Versus"
Left 4 Dead 2 Shirt - "earned by winning 10 games of Scavenge"
Zombie Hand shirt - "earned by killing 10,000 Infected"
Depeche Mode Shirt - "earned by rescuing Gnome Chompski from the Dark Carnival"
I CAN'T WAIT...............I've just finished reading "The Walking Dead" Volume 10 and need to smash some zombies!!!!!