Don't read on if you don't want a potential plot spoiler. It doesn't tell you the character, but still...
So, the news is all over the web that insiders at NBC have stated that a MAJOR ORIGINAL MALE character will be killed off this season. They added that "this is not one that will go unnoticed by even the most casual fan" meaning that it'll be a pretty big offing that will upset a fair few fans (like they can afford to do that when their ratings are so low already this year!).
The actor supposedly only actually found out about his characters death when he read the script, he wasn't informed beforehand and is mighty miffed! Now the question is "who will they kill off?"
As it's a character from series one my money would have to be on Matt Parkman (a character that has been lagging heavily recently) or even Sylar (because of the new Star Trek franchise that's building up momentum into future movies). We've technically lost Nathan last series, Peter is unlikely because he's pretty much the main character but it's not impossible, Noah Bennett already died once and was revived so is unlikely to die again, Mohinder is MIA at the moment and then you have Hiro and Ando... Hiro is already supposedly dying in the current storyline so it's not too far fetched to think he'll go, but then he's the series' comic relief and would probably be the greatest loss to the show. Ando is much loved too and although we're waiting to see what kind of repercussions Hiro's recent timeline altering trip did (where he got Ando and his sister together when they were young) I just can't accept that they'd kill one of the dynamic duo...
We'll have to wait and see! Who do you think will go?