During the last a week a number of small rumours have circulated the web about the new Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie.
Watchmen and Nightmare on Elmstreet actor Jackie Earl Hayley has been rumoured to be the front runner for the role of Sinestro in the film. After the rumour surfaced he denied any current involvement, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that he's still being considered for the role by the studio and just hasn't been approached officially yet. Personally I don't think he's a good fit for Sinestro at all, but that's just me. I don't know why but Timothy Dalton comes to mind here!
Regardless of who actually ends up playing Sinestro, the character is said to not be the primary antagonist in the film. He'll play Hal's mentor like in the comics, but his evil nature may be left for a possible sequel, unlike the recent 'First Flight' animated movie.
There's a possibility that both Guy Gardner and Superman (as Clark Kent only) may make brief cameos in the film. The script has Abin Sur's ring search out a suitable candidate for itself and circles both Gardner (a future Green Lantern in the comics) and Clark Kent at the Daily Planet in Metropolis before finally joining with Hal Jordan.
The production has now moved from Australia to New Orleans in the US due to the extra $20 Million the Australian site would have cost. I didn't know this before but the director is now Martin Campbell of James Bond: Casino Royale (which I loved, but many others didn't) so this gives me faith that the movie won't suck!
More news on this movie as it gets released. I can't wait!