Street Fighter & Voltron "Motion Comics" Series Coming to Syfy Channel and Online Stores

Eagle One Media announced today details of an agreement with Starz Media's Manga Entertainment to make animated motion comic productions of Street Fighter, based on the CAPCOM video games, and Voltron: Defender of the Universe, based on the worldwide popular anime TV series, available for broadcast and digital download distribution. Both motion comic series will be broadcast on the Syfy Channel over several weeks beginning September 28th during Manga's popular Ani-Mondays programming block. Following the Syfy broadcasts, the motion comic episodes will then be made available for purchase with Starz Digital Media’s distribution partners by digital download through outlets including: iTunes, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Store.
Animated motion comics utilize the storyline and dialog from existing published comics and with the addition of voice-over, special effects, music, and animation, creates a fast paced video adaptation for the viewer to enjoy through various medium. Previously, Eagle One Media’s animated motion comics had only been available for purchase on DVD. Aside from its animated motion comics based on Street Fighter and Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Eagle One Media has also produced such content based on The Terminator and the Micronauts properties.

Eagle One Media announced today details of an agreement with Starz Media's Manga Entertainment to make animated motion comic productions of Street Fighter, based on the CAPCOM video games, and Voltron: Defender of the Universe, based on the worldwide popular anime TV series, available for broadcast and digital download distribution. Both motion comic series will be broadcast on the Syfy Channel over several weeks beginning September 28th during Manga's popular Ani-Mondays programming block. Following the Syfy broadcasts, the motion comic episodes will then be made available for purchase with Starz Digital Media’s distribution partners by digital download through outlets including: iTunes, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Store.
Animated motion comics utilize the storyline and dialog from existing published comics and with the addition of voice-over, special effects, music, and animation, creates a fast paced video adaptation for the viewer to enjoy through various medium. Previously, Eagle One Media’s animated motion comics had only been available for purchase on DVD. Aside from its animated motion comics based on Street Fighter and Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Eagle One Media has also produced such content based on The Terminator and the Micronauts properties.
Teenwolf T.V. Series Coming To MTV

MTV, once known as "Music Television" due its actually playing "music" on "television", is moving forward in the development of a new series based on the 1985 high school lycanthropy comedy Teen Wolf and has ordered a pilot, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
The 1985 film starred Michael J. Fox as a teen basketball player who discovers, along with the other bodily changes associated with adolescence, that he's a werewolf. The movie was co-written by Jeph Loeb, who'd go on to be a writer and producer on shows like Smallville, Lost and Heroes.
In a world dominated by rehashes and remakes, a Teen Wolf series is especially noteworthy in that the "original" was a re-hash of the 1950s creature feature I Was a Teenage Werewolf starring Little House's Michael Landon.
According to MTV exec Liz Gateley, the series will be "...a dramatic thriller with two best friends in the center who provide a great comedy element: They are two very relatable characters on the outer circles of popular cliques."
The 1985 film starred Michael J. Fox as a teen basketball player who discovers, along with the other bodily changes associated with adolescence, that he's a werewolf. The movie was co-written by Jeph Loeb, who'd go on to be a writer and producer on shows like Smallville, Lost and Heroes.
In a world dominated by rehashes and remakes, a Teen Wolf series is especially noteworthy in that the "original" was a re-hash of the 1950s creature feature I Was a Teenage Werewolf starring Little House's Michael Landon.
According to MTV exec Liz Gateley, the series will be "...a dramatic thriller with two best friends in the center who provide a great comedy element: They are two very relatable characters on the outer circles of popular cliques."
Sanctuary Season 2, New Stargate SG-1 Movie & SGU News From Amanda Tapping

Amanda Tapping (Sanctuary / Stargate SG1) has confirmed filming has wrapped on the second season of Sanctuary, stating that the new series is “intense” and will include a post-apocalyptic “what if” episode.
Additionally, she states the latest “rumor” is that the third Stargate SG1 movie will begin filming within 3-6 months and that there is talk of her appearing in a future Stargate Universe episode (in addition to her appearance in the pilot).
Well, season one ends on a really intense cliffhanger. Season two picks up where we left off, which is “what the hell happened to Ashley, how do we get her back?” How do we defeat this nasty organization known as “The Cabal.” Everyone is on almost an individual journey but we all have the same goal. But everyone is doing something. Druitt is crazed with the idea of finding Ashley, as is Magnus. Will is going through a different journey and so are Tesla and Bigfoot and Henry, so it’s the fragmented organization desperate for the same goal.
And I think we start off on this incredible vibration at the beginning of season two. The first three episodes are so intense that when we finished filming episode three the whole cast and crew were like “oh my god, we’re exhausted!” And so we gave ourselves and the audience a rest in the fourth episode which is, I think, quite hilarious and wonderful. And then we launch back into the darkside with this episode called “Pavor Nocturnus,” which is this sort of post-apocalyptic “what if?” scenario. You sill will Zimmerman like you’ve never seen him before. And in fact, we’ve really started to see Robin Dunne come on the set as this crazy, beaten haunted Will.
Robin and I talked about it at the end of the season, what this crazy roller coaster season two has been but I think it’s some of our best work from every department. And I love season one. Season one is exactly what a first season is supposed to be. It introduced you to everyone so beautifully, to the Sanctuary, to the characters, to this incredible fantastical world. And now in season two, we know everyone and we know what the relationships are and we get to play in this really amazing playground.
The only thing I know is that there’s a third SG-1 movie that’s been greenlit, as far I know. I don’t know when exactly it’s supposed to start shooting but the latest rumor, and it is a rumor, is late fall/early winter. And definitely, I’d like to be involved with that.
There was talk of me doing another episode of Stargate: Universe. I don’t know whether we’ll be able to work that out timewise but I’d love to do it!
Additionally, she states the latest “rumor” is that the third Stargate SG1 movie will begin filming within 3-6 months and that there is talk of her appearing in a future Stargate Universe episode (in addition to her appearance in the pilot).
On Sanctuary season 2:
Well, season one ends on a really intense cliffhanger. Season two picks up where we left off, which is “what the hell happened to Ashley, how do we get her back?” How do we defeat this nasty organization known as “The Cabal.” Everyone is on almost an individual journey but we all have the same goal. But everyone is doing something. Druitt is crazed with the idea of finding Ashley, as is Magnus. Will is going through a different journey and so are Tesla and Bigfoot and Henry, so it’s the fragmented organization desperate for the same goal.
And I think we start off on this incredible vibration at the beginning of season two. The first three episodes are so intense that when we finished filming episode three the whole cast and crew were like “oh my god, we’re exhausted!” And so we gave ourselves and the audience a rest in the fourth episode which is, I think, quite hilarious and wonderful. And then we launch back into the darkside with this episode called “Pavor Nocturnus,” which is this sort of post-apocalyptic “what if?” scenario. You sill will Zimmerman like you’ve never seen him before. And in fact, we’ve really started to see Robin Dunne come on the set as this crazy, beaten haunted Will.
Robin and I talked about it at the end of the season, what this crazy roller coaster season two has been but I think it’s some of our best work from every department. And I love season one. Season one is exactly what a first season is supposed to be. It introduced you to everyone so beautifully, to the Sanctuary, to the characters, to this incredible fantastical world. And now in season two, we know everyone and we know what the relationships are and we get to play in this really amazing playground.
On the Stargate SG1 rumor:
The only thing I know is that there’s a third SG-1 movie that’s been greenlit, as far I know. I don’t know when exactly it’s supposed to start shooting but the latest rumor, and it is a rumor, is late fall/early winter. And definitely, I’d like to be involved with that.
On Stargate Universe:
There was talk of me doing another episode of Stargate: Universe. I don’t know whether we’ll be able to work that out timewise but I’d love to do it!
Sanctuary season 2 is currently in post production.
Heroes Season 4 - Knife Fight Clip
Heroes Season 4 - Knife Fight Clip
A short but pretty cool clip here of season 4 of Heroes with Peter Petrelli having a speed-fight with Ray Park's carnival knife thrower... Let's hope this season is better than the last! I love Heroes to bits but last season was painful! Heroes returns To US screens on September 21st
Flash Forward Clip
No real need to explain this as it's all handled in the clip. I'll be watching this one for sure...
Sarah Connor Chronicles T.V/ DVD Movie?

In an interview with Thomas Dekker (aka John Connor) hinted at the possibility of a direct to DVD movie that would finish off the story left hanging at the end of season 2. You can read his full interview HERE.