Bloody-disgusting.com reported last week that the studio that's currently working on Resident Evil: Afterlife are already planning a 5th film in the series, and it's going to be a reboot which may or may not write Milla Jovovich out of the main role of Alice.
The quasi-reboot ("Resident Evil: Begins"... Batman anyone?) will go back to focusing on the story of a special military unit who fights a powerful, out-of-control supercomputer and hundreds of scientists who have mutated into flesh-eating creatures after a laboratory accident.
I was watching Extinction the other night and I have to admit that although these films are far from being classics, they are watchable, and no matter how beat up and bloody Miss Jovovich gets, she's always easy on the eyes. The new Afterlife movie is set to feature the hundreds of Alice clones seen at the end of Extinction so it'll be one hell of a job for Milla doing all that filming for multiple versions of herself, but I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end.