This has been a long time coming for me, but I wanted to post all gaming news, previews and reviews into a separate blog which will purely cater for that theme.
I always have these big plans to post up massive reviews of games I've played (like the awesome Batman: Arkham Asylum which I completed in two sittings of 8 hours and 4 hours a couple of weekends ago) but I never get the time... Now that I've created the new blog I'm hoping it'll focus me a bit more on doing these reviews, posting news on upcoming games (Left 4 Dead II and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II baby!) and any other misc stuff about games and consoles that I think will be worth posting.
The big catch is that I'd like all you readers of Kryptonian Warrior out there, that are gaming geeks like the rest of the League, to join in and post too. I've given an open invitation to readers and bloggers to join this site in the past but there's been minimal interest. If you have a game you've recently played, or some news you've found online about a game you're excited about, then please send me an e-mail at kryptonianwarrior@ymail.com and it'll go up straight away.
You don't have to be a member, you don't have to continually post, just a little bit of participation is all I ask.
www.geek-gamer.blogspot.com is a basic little blog but I'm hoping to make it a bit snazzier down the line and make it a worthy sister site to this one.
Bye bye for now!